WhatsApp Business Account Features

With the WhatsApp Business App, small enterprises can perform the following tasks:

Create A Business Profile: A business profile might include information like contact information, business hours, and a website address. WhatsApp users can see this and be certain that you are a reputable company representative. This guarantees that you are speaking on behalf of a company and not an individual.

Sort the customers and chats into categories: Identify relevant consumers (such as New Client or Prospect) and categorize discussions according to whether they are about an order, a customer question, or something else entirely.

Create Automated Responses: To inform business clients, you can set up welcome messages and rapid response alternatives.

Send Broadcasts To Customer Groups: You can send “broadcast” messages to all of your customers if they have added you to their contact list.

Use Fast Replies to quickly respond to customer discussions with the relevant response. Avoid having to start from scratch by saving your previously written answers and tapping to select one.

Construct A Product Catalog: Create a catalog of your company’s products or services on WhatsApp to advertise them.

Metrics: With the help of this feature, you can keep track of how many messages are sent, received, and read in your business profile.

Short Links: An exclusive and one-of-a-kind link to your company account. The Link may be used on websites, social media, and emails.

Chat Labels: For the purpose of client identification, chat labels let you categorize various client discussions. Labels might be made based on the customer’s journey or the connected industries they come from.

Considerations Before Switching Whatsapp To A Business Account:

The main purpose of WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business is instant communications. However, the WhatsApp Business account offers a number of automated solutions for talking with clients regarding their needs and questions.

How may a WhatsApp business account be created? A mobile number is necessary to sign up for a WhatsApp business account. A contact number can only be associated with one account, which is an important fact to keep in mind. In order to utilize WhatsApp Chat on the same phone, the business account on WhatsApp requires a separate number. To Get the WhatsApp green tick in your Whatsapp Account. Msgclub provide the Services.

My WhatsApp accounts should not be converted from personal to corporate use; instead, new accounts should be made from scratch.

Useful Messaging Tool: Whatsapp For Business

Look into the messaging options it provides if you want to turn my WhatsApp account into a business account.

A desirable element to take into consideration is the WhatsApp messaging service. They are accessible from the “Settings” menu by selecting “Business Settings Options,” followed by “Messaging Tools.” The three major components of messaging tools are greeting messages, away messages, and quick replies. A Greeting message will initially be displayed to users who perform stock queries.

People will be informed by the Away message that you are momentarily unavailable but will be back shortly. You can choose to set your Away time on the app itself with the help of an auto-response message. Additionally, the Quick Replies option will allow you to save a lot of time. Additionally, you can modify your Quick Replies to meet your needs.

As the app has grown, messaging has gotten easier and easier to link a WhatsApp business account to an already-existing internet presence, like a website or a Facebook page. To complete the processes, you must click a straightforward link.

Msgclub provides Whatsapp Business API Services. To start a trial click here.

Frequently asked questions ( FAQ )

1. Can I Use The Same Phone Number For Whatsapp And Whatsapp Business?

The same contact number cannot be used for both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business at the same time. A distinct mobile number and account are needed for each application. You must log out of one programme and then log back in using a different phone number to switch between the applications.

2.Is Whatsapp Business Available For Personal Use?

The needs of the independent business owner were taken into consideration when developing WhatsApp Business, which is available for free on Android and iOS. You can quickly automate, sort, and respond to consumer communications with a WhatsApp business account.

You can also check our other relevent blog Whatsapp Business

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